
Storehouse North Down is Supported by Local Churches

Storehouse North Down is supported by local churches, statutory and voluntary agencies, community groups, businesses and individuals to fight food poverty across Bangor, North Down and beyond.  They provide an invaluable service to members of the Community who find themselves going through a difficult and stressful time in their lives.

Unfortunately, due to reorganisation of their existing premises, they are desperately in need of new premises, the area has to be local if possible and of a size to accommodate their operations, around 5,000 sq ft.  They do have the ability, but again are restricted, to the amount of rent they can afford for such premises.

If anyone can assist, or know someone who may be able to help, can they please contact Margaret Bailie Chairperson email mgcbailie@hotmail.co.uk.  Your support is very much appreciated.

Co-Innovate Information



What is Co-Innovate?

In an ever-changing and increasingly competitive marketplace, innovation is integral to business growth and success. With Co-Innovate, you can learn about the benefits of innovation, identify opportunities for growth in your business and create a vision to make it happen. Co-Innovate, a €16.6 million programme supported by the European Union’s INTERREG VA Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body, will help you harness ideas to:

  • Work smarter
  • Equip you for future challenges
  • Add value to your business
  • Stand out from the competition
  • Boost your bottom line

“The ability of high-growth firms to outperform others derives in large part from their greater levels of successful innovation.”

How does it work? Is my business eligible?

Co-Innovate will give you the tools and tailored support to help you innovate, differentiate and compete successfully.

Every company’s innovation needs are different so each company’s journey through the programme is unique.

The programme offers graduated levels of support including free workshops, individual business health checks, detailed innovation audits, sectoral networks, project management placements and one-to-one expert mentoring.



It couldn’t be easier to apply to access free support from Co-Innovate. Simply register your interest at: co-innovateprogramme.eu/register or contact your local enterprise centre; NDDO Limited on 028 9127 1525 or email mail@nddo.co.uk


We welcome applications for all business sectors; e.g. manufacturing and tradable services sectors, and particularly welcome applications from priority sectors such as.


  • Renewable energy
  • Life and health sciences
  • Agri-food


If you would like to find out more or register your details, please contact NDDO today!

Local Contact:

NDDO Limited

Enterprise House

2-4 Balloo Avenue

Balloo Industrial Estate


t + 44 (0) 28 9127 1525


This project has been supported by the EU’s INTERREG VA Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB)